Index December 2005

Hualian Wang – China, Jiangxi

She is one of the 1000 women proposed fort the Nobel Peace Price 2005.

She says: “I feel energetic when we share the joys of working and playing together, such as packaging lily bulbs, attending literacy classes, singing songs and chatting with each other.”

Hualian Wang – China

Hualian Wang works for the Luxia Wanli Women’s Mutual Aid Credit Union (Lwcu)

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Luc Walleyn – Belgium

Biography: Luc Walleyn was born in 1949, and has been an advocate since 1972. He is a specialist in immigration law, human rights, and humanitarian law. He is also supply judge (Juge de Paix) in Schaerbeek-Brussels, occasional lecturer at universities in Antwerp and Paris, and author of many publications, mainly on immigration law.

Luc Walleyn; Human Rights Lawyer

Walleyn was member of the Council of the Brussels Bar Association, and served as president of the organization Avocats sans Frontiéres (Lawyers without Borders) until last year. He participated in ASF programs in Rwanda, Burundi and Kosovo and represented the organization at the diplomatic conference on the International Criminal Court in Rome in 1998.

Linked to our presentation of Lawyers without Borders on December 30, 2005, and their website.

Also linked to our presentation of Rwanda Genocide Suspects On Tria on December 30, 2005.

Continuer la lecture de « Luc Walleyn – Belgium »

Aishat Magomedova – Russian Federation (Dagestan)

She is one of the 1000 women proposed fort the Nobel Peace Price 2005.

She says: « Banning the use of any sort of weapon–that is what women must demand.”

Aishat Magomedova – Russian Federation

She works for « Liga zashchity matieri i rebionka (LZMR) ».

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Christian Tomuschat – Germany

Guest of the ilb 2004 in Berlin, Christian Tomuschat was born in Stettin, Germany, in 1936. From 1985 to 1996 he was a member of the Human Rights Commission of the UN, and since then has been an independent advisor to various other international bodies.

Christian Tomuschat – Germany

He is Professor at Humboldt University and Director of the Institute for European and International Law.

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Rev. Mother Mary Elizabeth Thunder – USA

She is one of the 1000 women proposed fort the Nobel Peace Price 2005

She says: I honor the path each person is on. I believe that all of our prayer paths lead to the Great Mystery, or Spirit, or God.

Rev. Mother Mary Elizabeth Thunder, founder of Thunder Ranch and the Blue Star Church in West Point, Texas.

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Tran Thi Lanh – Viet Nam

She is one of the 1000 women proposed fort the Nobel Peace Price 2005

She says:Giving back the confidence, self-esteem, and decision making to indigenous women and isolated communities is our path, our vision, and aspiration of all our affiliated organizations.”
Towards Ethnic Women (TEW).

Tran Thi Lanh – Viet Nam

She works for the Center for Human Ecology Study of Highlands (CHESH), and the Center for Indigenous Knowledge Research and Development (CIRD).

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Navanethem Pillay, Judge – South Africa

Born in South Africa in 1941, Judge Navanethem Pillay has been both a symbol and a standard-bearer for women’s rights in her country, in the region, and throughout the world. She works for Pro-Femmes Twese Hamw.

Navanethem Pillay, Judge – South Africa

She received her Bachelor of Arts and her Bachelor of Law degrees from Natal University in South Africa and later a Master of Law and Doctor of Juridical Science at Harvard University, U.S.A.

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Sakena Lida Yacoobi – Afghanistan

She is one of the 1000 women proposed fort the Nobel Peace Price 2005

She says: I am indebted to my parents who have always been supportive of me in many ways. They put my education above their priorities in life. She works for the International Rescue Committee (IRC).

Sakena Lida Yacoobi – Afghanistan

Born in Herat, Afghanistan, Sakena Yacoobi obtained a BSc in Biological Sciences from the University of the Pacific, USA in the 1970s, and a Masters in Public Health from Loma Linda University, California.

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Alvaro Vargas Llosa – Peru

Alvaro Vargas Llosa is Director of the Center on Global Prosperity. He writes on his hompage: it is a tragic fact that half of the world’s population is living in abject poverty and misery.

Alvaro Vargas Llosa – Peru

Approximately 10 percent of the present world population (roughly 600 million people) is estimated to exist at or below an equivalent economic level of $1 per day and approximately half of the world population (3 billion people) live at or below an equivalent economic level of $2 per day.

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