we have a new blog telling our maraton for ECOSOC status … since 2002 Continuer la lecture de « ECOSOC for AEHRF and the NGO world »
Catégorie : my comments
Eugen Drewermann – Germany
Linked with Apostasy.
Eugen Drewermann is one of the most known german rebell inside the catholic church. To explain his thoughts, he often mentions Giordano Bruno as an exemple in his talks.
He tells Giordano Bruno answer to the inquisition, when receiving their death sentence (I try to translate, a bit with Babylon’s help): « This death sentence you speak out on me, you bring it with really much bigger fear as I receive it. People that can murder, in the mania to protect the truth, are nothing but the fear of the truth, and (they are) the embodied lie. Whoever wants to find the truth must dare to disagree with this« . Eugen Drewermann’s comment: this makes the human soul big as far as to the heaven, and as strong and as inexhaustible as to the infinite. (See the german original sentence down of this page).
- Giordano Bruno on the english wikipedia.
- Recommended reading for the Drewermann Conference at Drew University.
- Biblical Myth and Inner Experience, Why Theology Needs Depth Psychology.
- The New Iconoclasts Have Theology Degrees (Aug. 28, 2003).
Eugen Drewermann – Germany
In the english wikipedia you’ll find: Eugen Drewermann (born June 20, 1940 in Bergkamen near Dortmund) is today’s most widely read German theologian, psychotherapist and writer in Europe.
Son of a Lutheran father and a Catholic mother, after his Abitur exam Drewermann studied philosophy in Münster, theology in Paderborn and psychoanalysis in Göttingen. In 1972 he became priest in Paderborn. At the same time he worked as psychotherapist, and from 1979 also held lectures in religious history and dogmatics at the Catholic Theological Faculty in Paderborn.
Prize for Women's Creativity in Rural Life
by the Women’s World Summit Foundation WWSF.
Nomination Guidelines: Awarded since 1994 by the Women’s World Summit Foundation (WWSF) – an international NGO for the empowerment of women and children – the Prize ($500 each) annually honors women and women’s groups exhibiting exceptional creativity, courage and commitment in improving the quality of life in rural communities. The Prize aims to draw international attention to the laureates’ contributions to sustainable development, household food security and peace, thus generating more recognition and support for their projects. While rural women are vital in providing examples of sound practice in rural communities, they still do not have to full access tools needed for development, such as education, credit, land rights and participation in decision-making. By highlighting creative development models, innovations and experiences enhancing the quality of life in rural areas, WWSF hopes to participate in addressing the eradication of extreme poverty and help arrest the drift to urban areas.
Continuer la lecture de « Prize for Women's Creativity in Rural Life »
Editor's concerns
I am not so much happy with my World People’s Blog. My goal is to show engaged humans wanting realise a good job for this humanity. To reach this goal I need written material available for me. But I do not want show V.I.P.s, as they have enough attention. I want give attention to the millions of us giving their best every day for a better world, people like you and me. They must have not only received some attention, but a public recognition of their work must have been put into an ENGLISH text, available for me in some public way (and with a copyright making not too much trouble). This makes that normal people is not enough presented in this blog, mainly those out of poor and not western countries, also women or minorities.
There are so many good persons in countries NOT writing in the latin alphabet, their internet sites showing any chineese, japaneese, arabian or kryllic text. Women of Muslim countries show not any photo, small people in poor countries have not any internet text. For exemple all the many women in the 1000-peace-women-project out of a Chineese country (China itself (108 names), Hongkong SAR (88 names), or Taiwan (99 names) ), they show all only texts of 4 to 5 lines, and they have often only group photos, one cannot see which woman is meant (same for almost all people out of the former UDSSR). And in Google images you can not distinguish each other of the hundreds of Li, Wang, Chang, Tian, Shang etc. etc., if any of them shows hopefully a text in english, and not only in chineese. Even good known human rights workers out of the french colonies of Africa show only texts in french.
Ok, for the frenchies there could be made also a world peoples blog with our francophone blog. But sorry, I am old and have reached the limites in time and energy of what is possible for me to be done every day. As I am also making the other blogs, the NGOs blog, the blog with many Humanitarian Texts, also the Economy & Society blog, and the blog relating news around the United Nations and countries. My limit is definitively reached.
So, if one knows good people of more modest conditions, all those making a good work and having no chance to be reached by my limited efforts, people working to create a better world for ALL humans, in their free time or as a profession, please do not stop yourself to send me a longer text, with an electronic photo. This text should contain their work in a sobre form, but NOT making battle for any religious or political ideology. The main concern of this blog is all around human rights, but this includes all what gives us a way to live together in peace, freedom and progres.
You may take the already written presentations as a guideline. And please indicate your name and coordinates to be put with the presentation, and also your sources, if a text is not written by yourself. Texts are to be sent to this e-mail address. Many thanks in the name of all this famous people.
1000 women for peace
The NOMINATIONS CRITERIAs for peacewomen.org:
The main criteria that each woman of peace must fulfill can be summarized as follows:
— She employs and promotes active, non-violent responses to conflict situations, structural injustices and inequalities
— Her work is sustainable and long-term
She leads by example, acting with moral courage and responsibility
— Her work is exemplary and worthy of emulation
— She works for the cause of peace and not for political or personal gain
— Her work is transparent and based on tolerance
— She includes and engages with people of different backgrounds and across the conflict divide
Source: reprinted from the 1000 Women for the Nobel Peace Prize 2005 website. Here go to their search engin:
Inscription for their newsletter;
Safia Hussaini – Nigeria
Goes with Assuming Authority.
Safia, the mother, and Amina, the little girl, Nigeria
(First my question to ourselves:
- what do WE want. Please do not doubt, there are enough esotheric groups waiting for a ‘changment’, enough UFO fans hoping for this humanity any ‘redemption’ coming from the high. The real question is: would we quickly give up any of our own rights, if any ‘saver’ (any better religion, better political system) would promise us a better world? Please, wake up: are you aware how many individuals are telling that our democratic system has failed?
- I also want a better world as we have now. But this world has to be made by ourselves conscient work: sweat, reflection, deciding, responsibility and – last but not least – the recognition, without any exception, of the universal human rights.
This World People's Website
Written by Kashi Nath Pandita: This website has been created for providing an opportunity of discussing human rights issues from more than one perspective (1).
The essential question is: who violates whose rights?
This identification can be clarified – not by attacking one or the other group – but by engaging them in an intellectual and academic debate.
This will help in bringing better awareness of the future direction of international community.
You can freely and fearlessly convey your views and opinions through the medium of this website and thus engage wider sections of civil society in the urgent process of a movement towards more integrated and cooperative humanity.
See also my statement on op-icescr on Aug. 31 on the NGO Blog.
(1) including debate about the op-icescr at the UNO.
What about this people's blog?
Hello, I am Heidi, and with this blog I have a dream. I name it World Peoples Website. This title is regarding my vision, my dream, my wish to sustain the developing humanity. The dream is: our humanity is able to recognise itself as an existing, thinking, enjoying, communicating and living entity. This, in my opinion, means giving due importance to the individual person AND the whole humanity.
The vision is: we make the planet of earth a place for a good life for all individuals and the humanity they make. We learn how to manage our contradicting viewpoints and beliefs.
The World Peoples Website is made to sustain what makes US ALL to become Peoples of this whole World. How? With learning by doing. We discuss, exchange, create projects, make it together. One step is to be constantly aware of what others are doing. Individuals at work.
This is the world peoples blog belonging to the website of the Asian-Eurasian Human Rights Forum, the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that develops and promotes the concept of
« World Citizenship«
We open this blog to all individuals or groups interested in our common development toward a humanity we dream about and want to work for. A humanity giving every one of us the full possession of what is promised by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Heidi Barathieu-Brun